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Despite Earning Her Full Salary As Baltimore City States Attorney

h1> Marilyn Mosby Withdrew $90,000 From Retirement Account

Despite Earning Her Full Salary as Baltimore City States Attorney

Prosecutors Argued Mosby Did Not Experience Financial Hardship

Baltimore City States Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby withdrew $90,000 from her retirement account in 2020, despite earning her full salary of $247,955.58.

Prosecutors argued that Mosby did not experience financial hardship and that her withdrawal was improper.

Mosby's attorneys countered that she was experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, prosecutors pointed out that Mosby's gross salary in 2020 was over $247,000, and that she did not experience any reduction in pay due to the pandemic.

In the end, the jury found that Mosby did not experience financial adversity and that her withdrawal from her retirement account was improper.
